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TV - Nora

Spam discussion 11 (spam tistsussion 11):Čtěte nás, víme vše!

Spam discussion 11 (spam tistsussion 11)

Neustále se setkávate s odmítáním vaší kreativity zvlášť v oblasti tak krásné jako je spam? Nezoufejte, konečně jste našli to správné místo! Stačí sjet kurzorem o kousek níž...

Věděli jste, že:
-> Spam diskuze se vyprazdňuje pravidelně po zahlcení 2000 příspěvky?
-> se sem smějí psát hypertextové odkazy?
-> jednoduše sepsaná pravidla naleznete v rubrice PTW?

Spam, spam, spam, spam!
TV - Nora spol. ©2012

neustale se setkavate s otmitanim vasi kreativiti svlast v oplasti tak krasne iako ie spam? nesouveite, konetsne iste nasli to spravne misto! statsi siet kursorem o kousek nis...

veteli iste, se:
-> spam tiskuse se viprastnuie pravitelne po sa'ltseni 2000 prispevki?
-> se sem smeii psat 'ipertekstove otkasi?
-> ietnotuse sepsana pravitla nalesnete v rupritse ptv?

spam, spam ,spam, spam!
tv - nora spol. ©2012
jméno / nick
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otevřít smajllíky
21. ledna 2013 v 20:38
Optimista a realista II.
chtelo by to zmenit anketu, prestava byt krapet aktualní
19. ledna 2013 v 12:33
prej nekolik dni
17. ledna 2013 v 23:07
heej jízdní propiska a prej tisíc jezdců to musel bejt docela rutyš
17. ledna 2013 v 22:37
dobra hra
17. ledna 2013 v 21:41

po! to bylo v rambo 3!
17. ledna 2013 v 18:16
17. ledna 2013 v 18:13
Tlustá Berta
17. ledna 2013 v 17:46
16. ledna 2013 v 17:56
15. ledna 2013 v 20:40
15. ledna 2013 v 00:29
j, tohle znam, dost dobry ae teda musim rict zbez tho "cas na smik" btbylo lepsi, tmi pride jako takova traparna, kere tcele skazila
14. ledna 2013 v 19:29

14. ledna 2013 v 19:15
14. ledna 2013 v 18:14
ten superlativ je fakt vtipnej fakt by mě zajímal přklad
13. ledna 2013 v 20:53
13. ledna 2013 v 13:14
iAnonymniA 1.2
One May day in 2000, in a field in North Phyongan Province
situated in the northwest of the country, Kim Jong Il was
discussing farm work with some officials. When he spotted a
tractor at the roadside, he walked towards it.
He asked the tractor driver to start the engine.
The driver climbed into the tractor through the left door, and
almost at once the sound of the engine starting could be heard.
After listening to the engine, Kim Jong Il approached the right
door of the driver’s cab.
The tractor driver was embarrassed, knowing that the door was
Kim Jong Il took the handle and pulled. The door, which the
driver had previously been unable to open however hard he had
tried, opened easily.
Kim Jong Il looked inside the cab for a moment and shut the
door. He then told the driver he should keep his tractor in a good
state of repair.

4After he left the field, a crowd gathered around the tractor.
People tried to open the cab’s right door, thinking that it would be
easy now that their leader had opened it. However, they were all
unable to do so. They eventually succeeded in opening the door
with the help of various tools.
Everyone commented how strange it was. It seemed that even a
tractor recognized the great man.
11. ledna 2013 v 23:07
11. ledna 2013 v 22:07
10. ledna 2013 v 18:12
9. ledna 2013 v 22:22
iAnonymniA 1.2
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